Weekly schedule

Hey guys,

Happy Hump Day! Wow! I am completely shocked and humbled by all you who have taken the time to visit, view and/or like one of my posts this past week. Traffic has steadily increased since I revamped last week and my followers have tripled. Thank you so much!

As a result, I thought I would give you a heads up on my posting schedule. You probably noticed that I haven’t posted anything since Saturday. That’s because I have somewhat of a unique work schedule. I am an editor for a daily newspaper but I only work a half a week. So from Sunday to Tuesday, I work 10-12 hour shifts, which makes posting a bit difficult. Don’t worry, though. I am still around. I am using down time at work to read everyone else’s posts and provide feedback where warranted. I also work a half day on Wednesday but I am usually home early enough to post.

So what can you expect for the rest of the week?

Wednesdays – Update of some kind or as I saw from checking out posts from a few of you, there is a weekly post called “WWW Wednesday”? This is an awesome idea, especially for the weeks where there is not a lot going on.

Thursday – Book review of my latest read. At least twice a month, that book will probably be a book club read.

Friday is “Fun Fact Friday,” a weekly post where I will present a question in the hopes of getting to know my follower’s/reader’s bookish habits.

Saturday – This is an open day so there may be a random post here. We will see.

Oh, speaking of weekly postings, and I think I mentioned this before, but I see many of you post “Top Ten Tuesday” from That Artsy Reader Girl. I have started following it and I love the topics that come up each week.  I am hoping to start participating as well but have to figure out how to squeeze it in my schedule.

I think that is all for now.

Is there anything you would like to see on Book Admirer? Do you have any ideas to share? How do you schedule your week? Post in the comments below.

Yours truly,

Book Admirer

5 thoughts on “Weekly schedule

  1. My work (and life) schedule is kind of crazy, too. But I find that it is easiest for me to loosely plan out my entire month and then when I have a few hours to spare here and there, I write and schedule several posts all at once so that there aren’t long breaks between posts. This way, I only need an hour or so in the evenings to read the blogs I follow, comment, etc. since most of my posts are scheduled ahead of time. It’s been working great for the past couple of months!

    Looking forward to future posts! Congrats on the blog growth!


    • Thanks for the advice. Scheduling posts is actually a really good idea and I could get everything done with the 3 days that I have off. I saw that some the weekly themed posts have a postings schedule laid out months ahead so it makes scheduling easier. And thanks for the boost. I enjoy reading your posts!

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