TTT: Anticipated books of the second half of 2024

We are halfway through the year, which means that a whole new slate of titles are set to be released. For this week’s Top 10 Tuesday, by That Artsy Reader Girl, we are sharing the books that we are excited for that are coming out between June and December. I enjoy this post because it makes me do some research and then I get excited because so many of the authors that I follow or read end up of having new releases. So let’s see what is on the slate this time.

All This and More” by Peng Shepherd – July 9, 2024

I was a huge fan of “The Cartographers” so I am really excited that Peng Shepherd has another book coming out this summer. The plot of this story has some “Midnight Library” vibes but with a unique twist and I am all for it.

The Lost Story” by Meg Shaffer – July 16, 2024

If I hadn’t watched Alexandra Roslyn’s mid-year book freak out video on YouTube, I may never have known that Meg Shaffer was coming out with a new book this summer. It didn’t pop up on any lists so I was quite surprised and excited when I found out. I read “The Wishing Game” and it was everything that it promised to be. Meg Shaffer has a knack of taking fantastical stories as inspiration to create unique and magical stories of her own. This one claims to be inspired of “Chronicles of Narnia” but it looks to be with a modern twist. I am definitely intrigued.

And So I Roar” by Abi Dare – August 6, 2024

I was just saying that Abi Dare needed to come out with a new book and then I find out that she is. I am so excited for this. I loved “The Girl With the Louding Voice” and I still think about it often. This book sounds just as good as Dare’s last. I can’t wait to get my hands on it.

The Life Impossible” by Matt Haig – September 3, 2024

Speaking of “The Midnight Library” I was happy to learn that Haig is coming out with a new book at the end of August. We are going to be reading his other book “How to Stop Time” in my book club in July, so this is perfect timing. This is definitely different from his other books but I am all for the mystery and the setting in Spain.

Somewhere Beyond the Sea” by TJ Klune – September 10, 2024

There are no words to describe how excited I am for this book. This was one of my favorite books of the year for 2023. I secretly hoped Klune would write a sequel to this book because I just couldn’t get enough. My dream has come true. The story continues!

Here one one Moment” by Liane Moriarty – September 10, 2024

Liane Moriarty has grown on me over the year and the more I read from her, the more I want. Everything I have read of hers so far has been 4 or 5 star reads. And this latest book of hers sounds all the more intriguing. It’s all about fate and changing your future. Seems to be a theme this year with a lot of books. Hmm, maybe a future post.

The Third Gilmore Girl” by Kelly Bishop – September 17, 2024

I loved Kelly Bishop as the mom in “Dirty Dancing” and as Lorelai’s mom in “Gilmore Girls” so when I found out that she had a memoir coming out, I immediately put it on my list.

Counting Miracles” by Nicholas Sparks – September 24, 2024

You had to know that this book would be on my list. Nicholas Sparks is an auto buy for me and he never disappoints, especially recently. His books of late have returned to the old feeling of when he was first starting out, the books that grab at the heart strings and never let go. This one has a dual storyline and I know that Spark’s will weave them together in such a way that will rip me to shreds. I know I am going to need tissues at the ready.

Sonny Boy” by Al Pacino – October 8, 2024

Do I really need to explain this one? I mean it’s Al Pacino, aka Michael Corleone. He has a MEMOIR! And the audiobook will be narrated by the man himself. YES YES YES!

Where the Library Hides” by Isabel Ibanez – November 5, 2024

I just read”What the River Knows” in May, the first book of this series and I loved it. It was “The Mummy” with a suspenseful twist. It did leave off with a cliffhanger and I am so glad that Ibanez is not making her readers wait that long to find out what happens.

What books are you excited for in the second half of 2024? Are any on this list? Let’s discuss!

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